All Posts By: Andrew Young

COVID-19 Health Science Videos

Episode 1 – Viruses, our immune system and lifestyle hacking with Dr. Paul Sumners

Dr Paul Sumners gives us his educated opinion on all things virus and lifestyle optimisation related, in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Paul has a PhD in Respiratory Neuroscience and another PhD in Philosophy. He has spent the last 20 years studying human physiology, developing health improving technologies and researching how the [...]
Alignment Ankle Arms Breathing Core Hip Knee Posture Research Running Staying Fit Stretching Text post Trunk Videos

March in March

Marching on the spot… it’s such a simple exercise… but so good for you as well !!! Even as little as marching for 1 minute every day can help lubricate the joints, improve circulation and get you feeling pumped for the rest of the day. That’s why, throughout March (or whenever you want to give it a go), we challenged [...]
Arms Movement Videos


Do you have pain in your lower back, knees or legs when you walk? If you do… you need to get those arms swinging! Swinging our arms when we walk is an essential part of walking. It aids our momentum to take the strain off our muscles and is something we learn as babies crawling along the floor. So why have so many of us forgotten how to do it? [...]
Posture Shoulder Videos

My #1 Physio Exercise

Technology is AMAZING. Not only does it allow us to do way more than we used to be able to in any given minute of the day, it has successfully altered the way that we USE our bodies. Unfortunately, the physical changes that are all to common in ‘normal’ human posture these days simply aren’t changes for the better! We have [...]
Foot Movement Shock Absorber Videos

Achilles PAIN: The What, The Why & The How to Fix!!!

‘Achilles Tendinitis – Achilles Tendinopathy – Achilles Tenosynovitis – just good old ACHILLES PAIN !!! Is it literally stopping you in your tracks? Well, FEAR NOT. In this video I explain WHAT is going on, WHY it’s going on and most importantly… WHAT you need to do to fix it!!! By understanding the basic principles of [...]
Staying Fit Videos

How to NAIL a New Year’s Resolution

Struggling to keep up with your New Year’s Resolutions? Then check out this video for REAL advice on setting the right goals and making sure you achieve them. We all do it. On January 1st, we tell ourselves that we’re going to exercise more, eat better and kick those bad habits. But… as the the pressures of real life start to [...]
Movement Posture Shoulder Spine Stretching Videos

Low Back Pain- Explained and FIXED

Low back pain got you laid low? Then this is the video you need! Watch and learn exactly what causes backache and how to FIX it with my expert step by step guide. Low back pain is one of the most common problems I see in the clinic. So, when Pete got in touch the other day to complain of backache, it wasn’t a surprise. To help him, and the [...]
Posture Sleep Videos

How To Sleep Well With Pain!

Is pain in the body keeping you up at night? Here’s my advice on the best way to approach sleep when you’re suffering from injury or discomfort. Sleep plays an important role in the recovery process. It gives our body vital time to start repairing conditions like head, neck, shoulder, back and knee pain. One concern I hear a lot though is [...]
Ankle Hip Running Shoulder Trunk

Top 5 Pre-run Exercises

Make sure you follow these exercises to warm up properly and get the most out of your run! Whether your looking to compete in the Great North Run, Tees 10K and London Marathon or just getting ready for your morning jog, it’s important that you warm up properly to avoid injury and get the most out of your run. In this video, I go through [...]
Breathing Core Posture Videos

Deep Abdominal Breathing: Quick Back Pain Relief!

Deep Breathing is an often overlooked tool for improving your health and easing back pain. In this video, I show you some simple exercises to improve your diaphragm and get you breathing correctly. It’s one of the first things you do when you are born, one of the most powerful skills you can maintain and improve and yet, we ALL take it [...]