Browsing Category: Sleep

COVID-19 Gut health Health immune system Science Sleep Staying Fit Stress Stress

Gut Health

Gut health is such an incredibly complex topic which can’t possibly be covered in one post! We will share a much more detailed blog at a later date but it would be remiss of us not to mention it in these top tips as it has such a huge influence on your immune system as well as your stress and anxiety levels. There is now overwhelming [...]
Breathing chronic pain Health Posture Shoulder Sleep Stretching Uncategorized

It’s not the load that breaks you…It’s how you carry it!

It can often feel like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.  These feelings effect us both mentally and physically. Did you know simple improvements to your posture can help break the cycle and lighten the load?  When your skeleton is misaligned, it places more strain on your muscles as they try to support [...]
Posture Sleep Videos

How To Sleep Well With Pain!

Is pain in the body keeping you up at night? Here’s my advice on the best way to approach sleep when you’re suffering from injury or discomfort. Sleep plays an important role in the recovery process. It gives our body vital time to start repairing conditions like head, neck, shoulder, back and knee pain. One concern I hear a lot though is [...]