Browsing Category: Breathing

Breathing COVID-19 Health immune system Nervous system Stress Stress

Cold Showers

A cold shower may sound shockingly unappealing but there are so many health benefits associated with turning down the temperature.  Exposing your body to cold water increases the amount of white blood cells in the body. It is these white blood cells that help protect your body against disease and support our immune system.  The cold water also [...]
Breathing COVID-19 Emotion Health Nervous system Posture Staying Fit Stress Stress


Breath practice is often the most overlooked and underestimated form of relieving stress but at this current moment in time, it should be an essential part of your day. Our breathing is THE most important function for sustaining life so we should really focus on it a lot more than we do!There are many studies which directly link deep breathing [...]
Breathing chronic pain Health Posture Shoulder Sleep Stretching Uncategorized

It’s not the load that breaks you…It’s how you carry it!

It can often feel like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.  These feelings effect us both mentally and physically. Did you know simple improvements to your posture can help break the cycle and lighten the load?  When your skeleton is misaligned, it places more strain on your muscles as they try to support [...]
Ankle Breathing COVID-19 Emotion Health Movement Running Staying Fit Stress Stress Uncategorized

Think outside…no box required!

Chatting to clients this week it’s been great to hear how many of you have become regular runners and / or walkers!  When ‘you know what’ hit early this year our daily walks or runs became a really important part of our day…even though we may not have realised it at the time. For some, this may have fallen by the [...]
Alignment Breathing Emotion Gut health Health Movement Nervous system Posture Stress Stretching Uncategorized vagus nerve

You’ve got a nerve!

You may have heard the word mentioned in many phrases over the years…. ‘You’re a bag of nerves’  You’re getting on my nerves’ ‘You have nerves of steel’  ‘You’ve hit a raw nerve’ ….but what are your nerves and why are they so important in your day to day wellbeing. What [...]
Breathing Emotion Health Staying Fit Uncategorized

What is your new normal?

As the world was put on hold and we were all forced into a coronavirus corner, it’s really interesting to see, as the weeks go on, how we are all slowly emerging and adjusting to the new normal.  For many, the children returning to school was a welcomed return to a familiar routine.  A lot of you have also returned to the office, the gym [...]
Alignment Ankle Arms Breathing Core Hip Knee Posture Research Running Staying Fit Stretching Text post Trunk Videos

March in March

Marching on the spot… it’s such a simple exercise… but so good for you as well !!! Even as little as marching for 1 minute every day can help lubricate the joints, improve circulation and get you feeling pumped for the rest of the day. That’s why, throughout March (or whenever you want to give it a go), we challenged [...]
Breathing Core Posture Videos

Deep Abdominal Breathing: Quick Back Pain Relief!

Deep Breathing is an often overlooked tool for improving your health and easing back pain. In this video, I show you some simple exercises to improve your diaphragm and get you breathing correctly. It’s one of the first things you do when you are born, one of the most powerful skills you can maintain and improve and yet, we ALL take it [...]
Breathing Core Posture Videos

Where Is Your Core?

Do you know where your core is? You might think the answer is yes, but there’s a very good chance you’ve been ill informed. In this video, I’ll tell you why the secret to a good core is your diaphragm and how to train it through the power of breath. Remember, RESILIENCE is more important than strength.
Acid Reflux Breathing Heartburn Posture Videos

Acid Reflux- How To Fix It!

Do you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn? ❤️🔥 If you ever have, you were probably prescribed drugs like Lansaprazole or Omeprazole to deal with that burning sensation in your chest. But you need to STOP medicating and START breathing! Your gut needs its acid and the real problem is our old favourite…. your posture!